What is Elsy Reyes' Net Worth?
Elsy Reyes is a Mexican actress who has a net worth of $3 million. She is known for her roles in Preludio (2010 as Mariana), Línea nocturna (2006 as Pricila in 12 episodes) and Cásese quien pueda (2014 as Tania). Preludio was written and directed by Eduardo Lucatero (whose career includes credits as a writer, director, producer, cinematographer and editor for films and documentaries). Preludio also starred Ana Serradilla (as Ella); Luis Arrieta (as El); Tiaré Scanda as Cecilia; Javier Rivera (as Beto); Adriana Diaz Chapa (as Mujer); Héctor Garza Jr. (as the voice of Little Kid). Línea nocturna also starred Ana Serradilla (as Ana Lilia Armendáriz); Rodrigo Murray (as Raúl Mendizábal); Carlos Cobos (as León Negrete); Idalmis Del Risco (as Sofía); Jorge de Marin (as Saúl Gutiérrez); Fernando Becerril (as El padrino).
Cásese quien pueda was directed by Marco Polo Constandse and written by Martha Higareda (who also starred as Ana). Cásese quien pueda is the story of snobby, glamorous Ana who gets lost in the jungle a week before her wedding. Daniela, her punk sister, is staying with the fiancé's family as Ana fights mosquitoes, snakes, alligators and natives trying to go back to the city-and her wedding. Other cast members include Luis Gerardo Méndez; Michel Brown (as Erik); Miriam Higareda (as Daniela); Cory Brusseau (as Dr. Luke); Richie Mestre (as Pelon); Maite Suarez Diez (as Romina);Tania Palacios (as Vivi); Arturo Valdemar (as Miguelito); Mayra Batalla (as Esposa de Donovan).